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This classroom calendar will allow students to see upcoming due dates and to plan out their schedules.
Google Docs
Allows students to collaborate on work together on a variety of projects.
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Free Student Texts on Racism and Tolerance

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Office 365 provides a variety of tools for students including Word, Publisher and Excel
Kahoot is a great quiz activity to review vocabulary and concepts.  Take a brain break and check it out!
PBS Nova provides incredible video's covering many concepts from Psychology and CWCW
Google Earth provides an opportunity to visualize world geography.
TV Washington provides videos on local issues and lesson information for our CWCW class. 
Don't Die of Dysentary!
Jamestown Simulation
Crash Course is a comprehensive video series that covers content in a variety of subjects.  Psychology, World History, US History, and Drama.  These are great video's for review!
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Help me help you.  Here is a survey for you to provide me feedback.  
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Google Books gives students access to a nearly limitless library for free!
A great source of E-texts for all courses.
Stage Curtains
Theater History Webquest!  This is a great way to learn about 10 Thousand years of Drama.
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Take a VR tour!  Google Expeditions allow you to see the world 
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Free conferencing software for group meetings
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